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january 31, 2022

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Deals (PH) CPUC - Shopple
january 30, 2022

Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London Olympic Games





 Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London Olympic Games










Sleep has a broad effect on how you feel throughout the day, and nutrition plays an important part in how well you sleep.

    Many people make the common mistake of drinking a sugary beverage or a glass of wine before going to bed to help them fall asleep. But both caffeine and alcohol can interfere with your sleep pattern later in the night. Alcohol may help you to relax and fall asleep in the short term, but it can disturb sleep over the course of the night. It likewise keeps you from entering the deeper phases of  sleep, which may make you to wake up and yet feeling drained despite having spent a considerable amount of time in bed. And can even keep you awake, which is just the opposite of what you’d want. While caffeine is a stimulant that works by blocking the action of hormones in the brain that makes us feel sleepy.





  Everybody knows that sleep is useful for our brain, however new research studies provides the first direct evidence for why our brain cells need us to sleep. They found out that when we sleep our brain removes toxic proteins from its neurons that are by-products of neural activity when we are not asleep. And brain can remove them adequately only while we are sleeping. So when we don’t get enough sleep, toxic proteins stay in our brain cells, wreaking destruction by impairing our ability to think.

  Skipping sleep impairs your brain function no matter how you look at it. It catapults your stress levels and emotional reactivity, slows your ability to process information and solve problem, and kills your creativity.

  Too many studies to list have enough sleep live healthier lives and live longer, but sometimes this isn’t motivation enough. So consider this not getting enough sleep is linked to a variety of serious health problems, including stroke, heart attack, obesity and type 2 diabetes. It stresses you out because your body overproduces the stress hormone cortisol when not getting enough sleep or deprived from sleep. While excess cortisol has a host of negative health effects that originate from the devastation it wreaks on your immune system, it additionally makes you look older due to cortisol breaking down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin elastic and smooth . In men particularly, not sleeping enough lowers sperm count and reduces testosterone levels.


  Beyond the obvious sleep benefits of the ability to manage our emotions and remain calm under pressure, thinking clearly and staying healthy, has a direct link to our performance. It’s not just how much we sleep that matters, but as well as how we sleep. If life impedes getting the amount of sleep we need, it is absolutely necessary that we increase the quality of our sleep through good sleep hygiene.

  Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep, from unexpected challenges, such as layoffs, relationship issues or illnesses to pressure at work and family responsibilities. No wonder that quality sleep is sometimes elusive.

  Although we might not be able to control all of the factors that interferes with our sleep, we can adopt habits that encourage getting enough better sleep. Start with these simple sleep tips. Apply them, and you’ll reap the performance and health benefits that come with getting the right quantity and quality of sleep.

A) No to Caffeine at Least after Lunch

  By reducing your caffeine intake you can sleep more and vastly improve the quality of the sleep you get. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that interferes with sleep by blocking sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain and increasing adrenaline production. Caffeine has a six-hour half-life, meaning it takes a full 24 hours to work its way out of your system. Have a cup of coffee at 8 a.m., and you’ll still have 25% of the caffeine in your body at 8 p.m. Everything you drink in the afternoon will still be near 50% strength at bedtime. Any caffeine in your bloodstream makes it difficult to fall and stay asleep.

B) No to Sleeping Pills

  Sleeping pills, is anything you take that sedates you so that you can sleep. Whether it is alcohol, drugs or whatever you have, these substances greatly disrupt your brain’s natural process of sleeping. Sedatives can give you some really strange dreams. When you sleep your brain removes harmful toxins, it cycles through an intricate series of stages,shuffling now and then through the day’s memories and discarding or storing them (which causes dreams).Any sedation interferes with these cycles, changing the natural process of brain. And anything that interferes with the brain’s natural process of sleeping has dire consequences for the quality of sleep.

C) Stick To A Sleep Schedule

  Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on days off, weekends and holidays. By being consistent, it reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle and helps promote better sleep during night. There’s a caveat, however. If you don’t fall asleep within 15 minutes, get up to bed and do something unwinding. Back to bed when you’re tired. You might find that it is much harder to fall asleep, if you agonize over falling asleep.

D) Refrain from Blue Light at Night

  This is an enormous one, most people don’t even realize it affects their sleep.The short-wavelength blue light plays an important role in our mood, quality sleep and energy level. At morning, sunlight contains high concentrations of this blue light. At the point when your eyes are exposed to it directly,not while wearing sunglasses or not through a glass window, these blue light halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel more alert. Exposure to morning sunlight can improve your mood and energy levels and this is great. Try a blue light device if the sun is not an option.

   In the afternoon, the sun’s rays lose their blue light, this allows your body to produce melatonin and start making you to fall asleep.During night time, your brain is very sensitive to blue light and does'nt expect any blue light exposure. The problem this creates for sleep is that most of our favorite evening devices televisions, tablets, laptops, and mobile phones emit short-wavelength blue light. And in the case of your tablet, phone and laptop, they do so brightly and right in your face. Exposure to this weakens melatonin production and interferes with your ability to fall asleep as well as with the quality of sleeping once you do fall asleep.

E) Consistent Wake Up Time Every Day

  Consistency is key to a good night’s sleep, particularly regarding waking up. Waking up at the same time consistently enhances sleep quality and your mood by regulating your circadian rhythm. If you have a consistent wake up time, your brain adjusts to this and travels through the sleep cycle in preparation for you to feel rested and alert at your wake-up time. Generally an hour before you wake, levels of hormone increase gradually along with your body temperature and blood pressure, making you to become more alert. That is why you will often find yourself waking up right before your alarm goes off. Your brain doesn’t know when to complete the sleep process and when it should prepare you to be awake, if you don’t wake up at the same time every day.

F) Watch The Food You Eat And Drink

  Don’t go to bed either stuffed or hungry. Discomfort might keep you up. Likewise limit how much you drink before bed, to avoid disruptive middle of the night trips to the urinal. Alcohol and nicotine deserve caution, too. And even though alcohol might make you feel sleepy at first, but later in the night, it can disrupt sleep. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep.

G) Perform A Bedtime Relaxing Activities

  Do the same things each night to tell your body it’s time to slow down. It might include taking a shower or warm bath, listening to soothing music preferably with the lights dimmed or reading a book. This relaxing activities can produce better sleep by easing the transition between drowsiness and wakefulness.

H) Managing Stress

  When you have too much to do and too much to think about your sleep is likely to suffer. Consider healthy ways to manage stress, to help restore peace. Start with the basics, such as getting organized,delegating tasks and setting priorities. Have permission to yourself to take a break when you need one. Make share, a good laugh with an old friend. Jot down before bed, what’s on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow.

I) Limit Daytime Naps

  Long daytime naps can interfere with night time sleep especially if you’re struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality during night time. If you decide to nap during the day, as much as possible limit yourself to about 10 to 30 minutes and make it during the midafternoon. In the event that you work at nights, you will need to make an exception to the rules about daytime sleeping. For this situation, keep your window coverings closed so that sunlight doesn’t interfere with your daytime sleep.

J) Get Comfortable

  Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Regularly, this implies cool, dark and calm. Consider using room-darkening shades, a fan, earplugs or other devices to make an environment that suits your needs.
Mattress and pillow can contribute to better sleep, too. Features of good bedding most often are subjective, so make a choice what feels most comfortable. If you are sharing a bed, make sure there's sufficient space for two. If you have children or pets, as much as possible try to set limits on how often they sleep with you or insist on separate sleeping quarters.

K) Eliminate Interruptions

  Unfortunately for those with little kids, quality of sleep does suffer when it is interrupted. Try to eliminate all the interruptions that are under your control. If you had to wake up extra early in the morning, make sure your wake up timer is back on its usual time, the next time you go to bed.Avoid drinking too much water in the evening to prevent a bathroom trip in the middle of the night. If you have uproarious neighbors, wear earplugs to bed. There are lots of little things you can do to eliminate unnecessary interruptions to your sleep.

L) Learn How Much Sleep Is Needed

  The amount of sleep you need is something that you cannot control, and research studies are trying to discover the genes that dictate it. Most people sleep much less than they really need and are under performing because they think they’re getting enough. Some discover this the hard way. So start going to bed earlier until you find the magic number that that enables you to perform at your best.

By sixtwocinco -March 11, 2022 
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Labels: Health, TIPS & WAYS       

Health Supplements

Health (Dietary) Supplements

    Health (Dietary) supplements are substances you might use to add nutrients to your diet or to lower your risk of health problems such as osteoporosis or arthritis. Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, powders, gel capsules and tablets, extracts, or liquids.In short, products such as multivitamins, garlic tablets, fish oil capsules, probiotics, natural weight-loss aids, and certain types of energy drinks are examples of health supplements.

   Generally, Health supplements are products intended to supplement the diet. Therefore, they are also referred to as food supplements. So, there is no significant difference between food supplement and health (dietary) supplement. These types of supplements can be taken by mouth, whether it’s by a tablet, capsule, pill, powder or a liquid. 

   Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best way to get the nutrients you need. But however, some people may not get enough vitamins and minerals from their daily diet. When that’s the case, their doctors may recommend a health (dietary) supplement to provide missing nutrients. Here are some of them:

Health Supplements


  Maintaining a diet with sufficient levels of “good fat” has been associated with health benefits such as a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, healthy brain function and general health and well being Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil, by California Gold Nutrition, is a molecularly distilled, supercritical extraction that features 360 mg of EPA and 240 mg of DHA per 2000 mg of natural fish oil concentrate. The fish gelatin softgels are porcine and bovine free and manufactured in California, USA.

California Gold Nutrition
Molecularly Distilled & Supercritical Extraction
Preferred Triglyceride Form & Cholesterol Free
360 mg EPA & 240 mg DHA per 2000 mg Softgels
- Two Softgels a Day!

100 Fish Gelatin Softgels (Porcine & Bovine Free) Manufactured in California, USA

Supports Overall Health & Wellbeing as well as Helps to Maintain Optimal Lipid Profile*

Formulated to Contain:
   No Gluten 
   No GMOs
   No Soy

Barley Grass Powder comes from the potent juice of an energy-rich grass that cleanses, detoxifies and nourishes. Loaded with high proteins and all essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. All the ingredients that your body needs!

Our premium barley grass powder is air-dried to preserve its powerful nutrition.

100% organic, pure whole-leaf barley grass powder. Vegan, all natural, no additivies or preservatives.


* Powerful antioxidant
* Boosts the immune system
* Prevents cancer
* Helps fight addictions and cravings
* Aids in weight loss
* Promotes bone health
* Improves skin Prevents signs of aging

Antioxidants,Vitamin B

Dr. Vita OPC For prostate


Dr. Vita OPC w/ B-Vitamins & Zinc (For Men)
INGREDIENTS: Cranberry, Probiotics, Zinc Gluconate, B-Vitamins, Sodium Ascorbate
 CONTENT: 30Capsule x 500mg Dr. Vita OPC is a supplement for prostate health of men. It also contains B-Vitamins and Zinc for additional vitamins and minerals.It can be used by 18 years old and above.This product is safe and made of natural ingredients so you could still use this product 2 hours after taking in the medicine.Dosage:
Take 1-4 capsules of Dr. Vita OPC everyday. It can be the in the morning or evening, before or after meal.
For 18 years old and above only.
  Nakababawas ng tsansa sa pagkakaroon ng anumang cancer tulad ng prostate cancer.
  Nagbibigay proteksyon sa ating liver. ▪
  Nakababawas ng tsansa na magkaroon ng neuro degenerative diseases tulad ng alzheimer's disease.
  Nakakaimprove ng function ng ating kidneys.▪
  Nakakapagpababa ng blood pressure.
  Nakakatulong sa makaiwas sa pagkakaroon ng blood clots, pamamaga ng hita at pagmamanas.
  Nakakapagpababa ng risk ng pagkakaroon ng heart disease.

   The main function of Vitamin E is to act as the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant. As such, it can provide antioxidant support in hydrophobic areas such as cell membranes where water-soluble antioxidants cannot reach.

  Antioxidants help fight free radicals and play a role in maintaining goodhealth. Free radicals are unstable compounds that can damage cell membranes. They occur naturally in our bodies but can be exacerbated by pollution, smoking, and sun exposure. When cells are nourished with adequate amounts of vitamin E, it helps to stabilize cell membranes. Since cells are ubiquitous throughout the body, vitamin E is very important to maintaining general good health.

  Vitamin E is widely recognized for its beneficial antioxidant properties, but that’s not all this powerhouse nutrient can do. It helps maintain a healthy immune system and stabilizes cell membranes. It is needed by many cells, including heart muscle cells and nerve cells. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, meaning it cannot be produced by the body so it must be obtained through the diet in order to maintain good health. Kirkland Signature™ Vitamin E delivers 180mg (that’s equivalent to 400 IU) of this important nutrient in just 1 daily softgel.

- Health Heart, Fertility, Weight Loss Aid, Anti - Cancer, Ease Menopause, Reduce Inflammation, Healthy Babies 100 Softgels, For Men and Women

-The best alternative for getting omega 3s essential fatty acids if you don’t consume fish.

SUPERB SOURCE OF FIBER - Flaxseed oil is one of the best source for getting your daily dosage of fiber.
Increase the body’s metabolic rate, helping you burn fat
Reduce the risk for blood clots and improve heart health by lowering triglyceride levels and preventing the arteries from hardening

A healthy diet contains a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, and some omega-6 fatty acids tend to promote inflammation. Increasing omega-3 fat consumption is especially important for those suffering from a chronic disease, as many chronic diseases have an inflammatory element.

For Women  
 -Help ease mild menopause symptoms
Duringpregnancy, consuming sufficient omega-3 fats is essential for the brain and eye development of a growing baby. Flaxseed oil is a great vegetarian option for expectant mothers.
100 Potent Softgels, 
1 Softgel take 1 to 2 times daily with meals.
NON-GMO, ALL-Natural, Made in the USA

   Spirulina is blue-green algae often hailed as a superfood. It is among the world’s most popular supplements. It is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that may benefit your body and brain. And extremely high in many nutrients. Spirulina includes vitamins B1, 2 and 3, iron, magnesium and potassium.

10 Proven Spirulina Benefits

✅Detoxes Heavy Metal
✅Eliminates Candida
✅Improves Immune System
✅Helps Prevent Cancer
✅Lowers Blood Pressure
✅Reduces Cholesterol
✅Lowers Chance of Stroke
✅Boost Energy
✅Alleviates Sinus Issues
✅Offers Neuroprotection for Brain Disorders and Memory Boosting.

#Spirulina the superfood Par Excellence!
#Take only one herbal supplement or via mine or mineral tablet
#60% protein and an excellent source of vitamin A k1,#2 and B12 
#2800% more beta carotene than carrots 
#3,900% more iron than spinach 
#eliminate heavy metal from your body 
#prevent cancer 
#lower blood pressure 
#reduce cholesterol 
#lower the chance of being stroke 
#boost your energy 
#speed up weight loss for overweight people 
#clean your liver 
  These little green pills are very nutritional dense that even the UN united Nations has been promoting spirulina since the 70th in underdeveloped regions around the globe. 

  The UN says about spirulina was declared by the United Nations world Food conference in 1974 as the BEST FOOD for the FUTURE

Natural Factors Ginkgo Biloba, 60 Capsules

Herbal help for circulation and memory.
Increases blood flow to the brain and extremities.
Protects nerve cells.
Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides are a balanced group of bioflavonoids primarily responsible for Ginkgo’s ability to inhibit platelet aggregation (stickiness) and its antioxidant activity.
Protects nerve cells

European studies have shown that ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain and extremities, helping to improve memory and mental sharpness. Ginkgo flavone glycosides are a balanced group of bioflavonoids primarily responsible for ginkgo's ability to inhibit platelet aggregation (stickiness) and its antioxidant activity.

Terpene lactones (ginkgolides and bilobalide) improve circulation, inhibit platelet activating factor (PAF) and protect nerve cells. Too much PAF causes platelets to clump together, and is associated with nerve cell damage.

Nature's Bounty Calcium Magnesium Zinc + D3

MINERAL SUPPLEMENT FOR IMMUNE SUPPORT : 100-Caplet Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc for immune support. Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets contain Vitamin D3 to assist in calcium absorption and help maintain a healthy immune system

MINERALS FOR BONE SUPPORT: The Calcium and Magnesium in Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets may contribute to the health of your bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis

MINERALS FOR MOOD: Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets help with occasional anxiety and can support a calm, relaxed mood

QUALITY, PURITY, POTENCY: Nature’s Bounty is committed to safety and purity in all our supplements. Our Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets are non-GMO and sugar- and gluten-free

FROM THE TRUSTED WELLNESS EXPERTS: Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets bring together science, nature and a 50 year dedication to quality, consistency and scientific research for vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence

DIRECTIONS: For adults, take one (1) to three (3) caplets daily, preferably with a meal.

WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.

Guyabano Immuno Booster Pure and Natural 100 Capsules 500mg

✅ Reduces Levels of Blood Sugar

✅ Treats Liver Damage

✅ Improves Immune System

✅ Anti Cancer Properties

✅ Treats Respiratory Problems

✅ Boosts Cardiovascular Health

SUPER FOOD, RICH IN VITAMINS AND MINERALS - Guyabano is known as a wonder food taken from Guyabano Fruit. It contains micronutrients, vitamin C for boosting your immune system and potassium to help regulate blood pressure as well as Vitamins B1 and B2, and Magnesium to help break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

ALL NATURAL SOURCE OF ANTIOXIDANTS - Guyabano Fruit is a good source of antioxidants, which can keep cells healthy by neutralizing free radicals, help the body repair cell damage, have anti-inflammatory properties that may relieve pain and combat inflammation.

DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS AND EASY TO PREPARE - This Guyabano is a flavoursome superfood and a beneficial alternative to your caffeine intake because it can be taken as a hot or cold tea. It can be added to your favorite juice or smoothie. Blending it together with strawberries, pineapple, or bananas will produce a gratifying appetite for healthy drinks.

A TRADITIONAL HERBAL REMEDY - Guyabano is known for its traditional herbal use. The Guyabano fruit, seeds, bark and roots are used extensively as an alternative treatment for various ailments.

This Food Supplement is NOT advisable for PREGNANT, BREASTFEEDING MOMS, and KIDS.

Serpentina 500mg Capsules

Benefits that you can get:

This is good for diabetic in regulating or lowering blood sugar. Furthermore it is also known for its antibiotic property making good for infections.

 Analagesic– pain killer
Anti-inflammatory– reduces swelling
Antibacterial– has a remarkable effect in reducing diarrhea and other bacterial infections
Antimalarial– helps prevent parasite infection and multiplication in the blood stream
Antihepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective– eliminates liver toxins and protects liver and gall bladder
Antipyretic– reduces fever
Antithrombotic– blood clot prevention. Helps prevent heart attack.
Antiviral– inhibits viral activity including HIV (further studies are being made)
Antioxidant– fights free radicals
Canceolytic– cancer fighter or better to say cancer killer
Cardiopotective– protects heart muscles
Choleretic– increases the flow of bile
Depurative– cleans the system especially the blood stream
Expectorant– releases mucus in the respiratory system
Hypoglycemic– lowers blood sugar and protect against diabetes
Immune enhancer– increases immune system
Vermicidal– kills intestinal worms
It can be used against coughs, headaches, edema, earache, pain conditions, inflammation and muscular pain, arthritis, rheumatism, fibro myalgia, multiple sclerosis, depression, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, candida, lupus, diabetes, piles, fevers, fatigue, hepatitis, herpes, leprosy, loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes and other lymphatic conditions, jaundice, dyspepsia, dermatitis, eczema, burns, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, chicken pox, mumps; sluggish liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands; sleeplessness, and constipation.


It is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women due to its abortive effect.

Serpentina has many uses that could benefit our health.

Lemon Grass (TANGLAD) Capsules 500mg

  Lemon grass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemon grass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain and swelling, reduce fever, improve levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties

INGREDIENTS: 100 percent pure lemon grass or tanglad powder

Make sure any claim about a dietary supplement is based on scientific proof. Some advertisements for dietary supplements in magazines, online, or on TV promise that some of these products will make you feel better, keep you from getting sick, or even help you live longer. It’s important to know that often, there is little, if any, science supporting these claims.

Do not take a supplement to try to diagnose or treat any health condition without first checking with your doctor. 




    As the body's largest organ and the one that is arguably most influenced environmental conditions, the skin often needs a moisturizer to mitigate the loss of hydration even with it is oily or having a lot of pimples.

   By better understanding the biology of our skin and what is needed to keep it healthy, we can reap the benefits of daily moisturizing irrespective of our skin type.

   Moisturizers improves skin hydration and increases stratum corneum water content by directly providing water to the skin from their water phase and increasing occlusion to reduce trans-epidermal water loss, it also covers small skin fissures, provides a soothing protective film and protects skin from friction.Moisturizer creates a barrier between your skin and the climate, including cold, dry air that can further dry out skin.

When Should We Moisturize Our Skin? 

After washing our face in the morning as the face wash or cleanser can strip our skin of natural oils.


   After a shower (use a light moisturizer) as it helps restore the natural moisture balance of our skin.

    At the end of the day, after we have washed our face (use a water-based moisturizer), as it helps in preventing our skin from becoming too dry overnight.

 Here are some best selling moisturizer.

1.CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion 3oz | AM PM |

Variations: AM Lotion or PM Lotion

PM LOTION: Skin needs moisture around the clock. A night cream with niacinamide is ideal to soothe skin while you sleep. For maximum hydration and skin-barrier replenishment that helps the skin hold on to moisture, look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides. We recommend a non-comedogenic nighttimemoisturizer like CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion which has both ingredients and won’t clog pores or cause acne flare-ups.

Ideal for normal to oily skin, CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizer features three essential barrier-strengthening ceramides, hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing niacinamide in an oil-free, non-comedogenic formula. This rich yet lightweight night cream uses patented MVE Delivery Technology to deliver a steady stream of much-needed moisture throughout the night, and helps the skin hold on to it.

 AM LOTION: A hydrating face lotion is a key morning skincare step—and a moisturizer with SPF is critical for helping to protect the skin from damaging UV rays. For hydration and skin-barrier replenishment that helps the skin hold on to moisture, look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and ceramides and a non-comedogenic moisturizer like CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion with SPF 30 won’t clog pores or cause acne flare-ups. 
  CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizer is a morning skincare multitasker. Featuring three essential ceramides, hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing niacinamide, this face lotion uses patented MVE Delivery Technology to supply much-needed moisture and nourishment throughout the day. Offering Broad Spectrum sunscreen, this moisturizer with SPF 30 features InVisibleZinc™ Technology (microfine zinc oxide) that spreads easily and evenly while leaving a residue-free clear finish. And because this non-comedogenic moisturizer formula won’t clog pores, it’s ideal for all skin types.
  Ultra-lightweight night cream 
-MVE Technology: This patented delivery system continually releases moisturizing ingredients for 24-hour hydration 
-Ceramides: Essential for healthy skin, ceramides help restore and maintain the skin’s natural barrier 
-Hyaluronic acid: This ingredient attracts hydration to the skin’s surface and helps the skin retain moisture 
-Niacinamide: Helps repair a compromised skin barrier while improving the appearance of the skin -Non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, oil-free, fragrance-free and non-irritating -Developed with dermatologists

Lightweight and fast-absorbing formula deeply nourishes and soothes sensitive skin for up to 24 hours
Unique combination of moisturizers, including avocado oil, Vitamins E and B5
Helps to strengthen skin and defends against the five signs of skin sensitivity, including dryness, irritation, roughness, tightness and a weakened skin barrier
Fragrance-free and non-comedogenic formula is ideal for sensitive skin
Can be used on body and face


An all-in-one facial cream that melts perfectly into the skin.
A radiant and healthy glass skin glow. Give your skin a radiant and healthy glow with this all-in-one facial cream targeting different skin concerns.

Restore your skin to its glowingly youthful beginnings with this all-in-one facial cream. Formulated with Snail Potion; it renews and rejuvenates; making skin feel smoother & firmer and visibly diminishing the appearance of fine lines. Rich in nutrients and natural skin regeneration benefits; snail mucin helps to stimulate the creation of collagen; leaving you with a radiant and healthy glow. Its lightweight consistency melts perfectly into skin for a truly lavish moisturizing experience.

1. Visibly brightens skin for an even glow
2. Helps regenerate firm and healthy skin and visibly diminishes appearance of redness, dark spots and scar marks
3. Locks in moisture to target dry, flakey, and textured skin 
4. Lightweight moisturizer without the sticky feel - perfect for the Philippine weather!

1. Redness, dark spots and scar marks
2. Dull skin
3. Dry skin

Snail Mucin - repairs skin by stimulating collagen and elastin for bouncier and healthier-looking skin, visibly reduces the appearance of scars and dark marks
Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid - locks in moisture for dry, flakey, and textured skin 
Niacinamide - helps to brighten skin and visibly reduce dark marks and uneven skin tone
10-plant derived ingredients - helps to reduce redness and irritation with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Moisturizer for face pimple remover cream scar remover acne LANBENA Original TCM Scar Removal Gel Acne Pimples Stretch Marks Keloid Remover Skin Repair Cream Spots Effective Treatment 30g
LANBENA authorized reseller, 100% authentic product guarantee
Effective Scar Removal
Fade Scar Melanin
Remover Stretch Marks
Pockmark Repair
Effects: Plant extract formulated to smoothe, soften & improve the appearance of scars associated with skintrauma, surgery, wounds, andburns. Fade scar melanin, remover stretch marks, pockmark repair
Ingredients: Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Butylene, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Saccharomyces Lysate Extract, Nonapeptide-1, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, L-Carnosine, Tripeptide-3, Copper Tripeptide-1, Nicotinamide, Portulaca, Oleracea, Lavandula Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract
Skin Types: Suitable for various skin types  


Your skin deserves a soft touch. NIVEA Soft Moisturizing Cream is a light formula with intensive moisturizing effects that leaves your skin feeling invigorated, soft and supple. 

Infused with Vitamin E & Jojoba Oil, its light texture assists in the quick absorption of these moisture-enhancing nutrients. Because it’s pH-neutral and skin compatibility dermatologically approved, NIVEA Soft Moisturizing Cream is safe to use every day on the face, body and hands.

With more than 130 years of experience, NIVEA is a market leader in the global skincare industry. Our researchers work extensively with different skin types to provide high quality products to suit all your skin needs and are dedicated to continually improving our products and finding new breakthroughs in effective skincare.


Daily lotion moisturizes and clears breakouts, with a light grapefruit scent, for clearer, softer skin. Pair with your favorite cleanser or scrub.

  Salicylic Acid acne treatment

  Lightweight moisture

  Won't clog pores

  Non-greasy formula

   Unlike the ordinary face cleanser, Pond’s Cold Cream is actually 50% moisturizer.It infuses your skin with vital moisture for soft and smooth skin. Dissolves all traces of makeup and moisturizes for soft radiant skin.

Suitable for Sensitive Skin
Won't  Clog Pores 

Melts away even the most stubborn waterproof make-up. Infuses skin with vital moisture, leaving skin instantly softer and smoother.

Suggested use
Massage cream into skin. Gently wipe off with cotton pad or warm wash cloth.

For clean, soft, and glowing skin, put your  trust in a classic.

Dermatologist tested

**Authenticity Guaranteed**


iWhite Korea Facial Wash 90ml
- is a deep cleansing wash that removes excess oil and  eliminates skin impurities while whitens; revitalizes; and  improves skin condition to reveal skin's radiance.
How to use:
Step 1: Wet face thoroughly.
Step 2: Apply a pea size amount of iWhite Whitening Vita Facial Wash
Step 3: Lather and massage gently all over the face
Step 4: Rinse face well and pat dry with a clean towel

For best results; use morning and night or as needed with other iWhite skincare products

iWhite Korea Facial Cream 65ml
- Is an all-around face cream with the natural active ingredients.
- Gives you the three essential benefits for a complete day care protection: Whitening; Dual UV Protection and Make-up Base.

How to use:
Step 1: Wash face using iWhite Korea Facial Wash Whitening Vita.

Step 2: After applying your favorite iWhite Whitening Vita Aqua Moisturizer; dab pea size amounts of iWhite Whitening Vita Facial Cream on the nose; cheeks; and forehead.

Step 3: Spread the cream consistently all over the face for a fairer and evenly toned skin.

iWhite Whitening Vita Aqua Moisturizer 50ml
-it leaves a demi matte finish on the skin. It is an instant brightener. My face looked lighter after application and it somehow even out my skin tone slightly covering the redness on my skin. This does not alter the color of my foundation or BB Cream.

How to use:
Step 1: Wash face using iWhite Korea Facial Wash Whitening Vita.
Step 2: After applying your favorite iWhite Whitening Vita Aqua Moisturizer; dab pea size amounts of iWhite Whitening Vita Facial Cream on the nose; cheeks; and forehead.
Step 3: Spread the cream consistently all over the face for a fairer and evenly toned skin.

iWhite Korea Aqua Moisturising Glow 50ml
-Concentrated brightening formula is infused with niacinamide and Berry Complex; helps even out skin tone and prevents the formation of dark spots and freckles; works to hydrate and maintain moisture; non-greasy, paraben-free, triclosan-free, and talc-free.

How to use:
Apply an ample amount all over clean face twice a day or as needed.

   With this renewing soft cream that is made with 100% natural extract & moisturizer. Rejuvenate yourself and your skin by gently massaging this in and you'll feel the soft cream melting right into your skin, renewing from deep within to reveal soft, youthful supple skin that glow! WHY WE ? AVOCADO & COCONUT OIL : The extracts from creamy avocados are well known for healthy skin benefits especially nourishment and skin renewal by promoting collagen production. Coconut oil are carefully extracted from the coconut flesh to pamper and soften the skin giving it a natural healthy glow.

   NEUTRIHERBS® BEST Vitamin C Moisturizer Cream 50g for Face, Neck & Décolleté With Advanced Brightening And Anti Oxidant for Brighter Skin, Discoloration, Dark Spots, Age Spots, Acne Scars, Sun Damaged Skin. Faralex Vitamin C Cream For Men and Women.
   Packed with antioxidants and ingredients that provide daily hydration to the skin. A powerhouse antioxidant known for brightening skin tone and diminishing signs of sun damage like Dark Spots, Sun Spots, Age Spots, and Hyperpigmentation, vitamin C is known to boost skin's natural sun protection, refine skin texture and fade the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
   Natural face moisturizer for dry skin loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Glutathione, Arbutin, Nicotinamide and antioxidants that rejuvenate skin cells, erase fine lines and strengthen your skin, while protecting against damaging free radicals and premature aging to make the perfect vitamin c cream.Use as a daily face lotion and night cream or spot remover or corrector wrinkle cream for lifting and tightening around your forehead & eye area and chest & neck areas.
   Known to smooth wrinkles, this natural facial moisturizer is ideal for dry or mature skin. Helps slow the signs of aging by firming; fine lines become less noticeable with improved texture.





Effective regulation: 
Balanced facial oil secretion.Shrink pores.Improve skin elasticity.To keep the face clean and fresh.Rid of acne.Acne marks and repairing damage to the skin.Repair uneven rough.making skin smooth and delicate.
Step 1:After skin cleaning, apply proper amount on palm.
Step 2:Massage with your hands, and smear evenly on the face and neck.
Step 3:Gently massage until absorbed.

Australia seaweed extract.Isononyl isononanoate.glycerin.Butanediol.Cyclohexane.Triethanolamine.Phenoxyethanol.

   This nightly moisturiser firms skin and provides 7 anti-ageing benefits in 1 product - all while you sleep. It utilizes the anti-ageing power of moisture with a complex of vitamins, antioxidants and wheat protein for visibly firmer, younger-looking skin every morning.
Fight the 7 signs of aging (pores, dullness, dryness, age spots,uneven skin tone, uneven textures and fine lines and wrinkles ) with just 1 product!
   A fast-absorbing moisturizer that deeply nourishes for soft and smooth skin, helps revive tired-looking skin, reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles, and smoothens and evens out skin tone and texture.


    Moisturizing  helps to rehydrate and enhance the capacity of the skin to hold water.
   A daily moisturizer is necessary to maintain our skin's moisture barrier and to prevent environmental damage to our skin.
   If you are on the hunt for the best face moisturizer, this might help as we round up the best ones available today. 


Samurai Performance Gel For Men 100% Original and Authentic Japan

Samurai Performance Gel For Men 100% Original and Authentic Japan
Performance enhancer

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