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january 31, 2022

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Deals (PH) CPUC - Shopple
january 30, 2022
HT-GY260 Thermal Conductive Paste
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 Cooling Paste For PC CPU Chip 




     Common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that creates inflammation in the nose and throat. The common cold is the most common illness in the world and they affect millions of us every day. This upper respiratory tract infection can be caused by hundreds of different viruses and there is no "cure" other than time.   Children miss school and adults miss work,mainly because of common colds.

    Each year there are millions of cases of the common cold. Adults got an average of 2-3 colds each year, and children have even more. We all get colds.
Common colds are actually short-lived and most of us recover from them without any real treatment. Common cold  last between 7 and 10 days. Symptoms usually start to appear 2 to 3 days later, after you are exposed to a cold virus. This is the incubation period. Getting chilled or wet is not a cause of common colds, there are factors that make you more susceptible to catching a cold virus. For example, you are more likely to catch a common cold if you are excessively fatigued, have emotional distress, or have allergies with nose and throat symptoms.


    You can catch a common cold from another person who is infected with the virus either by touch or air. This usually happens by touching a surface contaminated with cold germs like computer keyboard, doorknob, or eating utensil and then touching your nose or mouth. You can also catch a cold by inhaling the droplets of virus in the air when someone coughs or sneezes.Colds are highly contagious, meaning they spread easily from person to person, which is why we all get them.
   A cold begins when a cold virus attaches to the lining of your nose or throat (this is called "docking"), it invades the cell, highjacking the cell's replicating machinery. Once inside a cell , the cell is "fooled" into using the RNA of the cold virus. The cell continues on its merry way replicating proteins, not knowing proteins being created are components of the virus. As components of the complete virus are created they begin assembling inside the cell. As the cell dies, rupturing and releasing the newly replicated virus occurred into the host's system. The virus floats around docking ,finding and infecting other cells. The virus grows increasingly as it infects more and more cells.

    Your immune system sends white blood cells out to attack this germ. Unless you've encountered that exact strain of the virus before, the initial attack fails and your body sends in reinforcements.If not your nose and throat get inflamed and produce a lot of mucus. With so much of your body's energy directed at fighting the cold virus, you're left feeling tired and miserable.


Viruses are non living things.These are highly contagious highly infectious. Because viruses are non life they need a living host to reproduce. They are parasites.Viruses that are known cause of the common cold:

1.Human Rhinoviruses (HRVs)

rhinoviruses in electron microscope

The most common identified cause of colds. There are more than 100 types of this group of virus.According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), this group causes about 30 to 50 percent of colds. They also grow best at the temperature inside the human nose.These are highly contagious. Only 30 or so rhinoviruses are sufficient to cause someone to catch a cold. However, they rarely lead to serious health consequences.


Though there are many varieties of coronavirus that affect animals, according to NIAID only five of the varieties infect humans. After rhinoviruses, this group of virus is the second leading known cause of the common cold. NIAID estimates that this group causes 10 to 15 percent of adult colds.
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is caused by a species of coronavirus, although not by one that can cause the common cold.

3. HPIVs (Human Parainfluenza Viruses), Adenoviruses, and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

These three groups of viruses typically lead to mild infections in adults, but may lead to severe lower respiratory tract infections in children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. Premature babies, children with asthma, and those with lung or heart conditions are at greater risk for developing complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
One strand of HPIV, HPIV-1 causes croup in children. Croup is characterized by the loud, startling sound that is produced when the infected individual coughs.

4. Other and Unknown Viruses

20 to 30 percent of adult colds have unidentified causes although they are thought to be viral in origin, according to NIAID.These are:
human metapneumovirus
Human parainfluenza viruses
Respiratory syncytial virus

Cold symptoms are caused not by the virus infecting the cells, but by the body's immune system attacking and fighting the invading virus.

As the virus increases and more cells die, chemicals are released initiating an immune system response. Inflammation and swelling resulting from the released chemicals attract fighting white blood cells. The attacking white blood cells added more inflammation causing the infected area to become swollen and red. Tissue and small blood vessels such as capillaries, dilate causing more white blood cells to flood the area. This activity of fighting the cold viruses that infect the cells causes the cold symptoms like an increase in mucus, possibly a raised in body temperature, a runny nose, sneezing, and possibly coughing.

Eventually, after 7 days or so, the body's immune system succeeds in preventing further cell infection by this rhinovirus and in destroying all of the virus floating around in the body, curing the common cold.

Nearly all of us will get at least one cold every year. How do you know if your symptoms are caused by the common cold or some other illness? While there are more than 100 viruses that can cause the common cold, the most common is the rhinovirus. Other culprits include coronaviruses, adenoviruses and enteroviruses.

But when most of us get a cold, we'll never know which of these viruses caused it. That is because there are no tests to diagnose the common cold. Instead, it is diagnosed based on symptoms.However, there are some steps you should take when you get a cold to be sure that is actually what you have, to determine whether or not you need to see a doctor and to figure out what treatment options are best for you. These steps may not help you get over your cold any faster but they could help you stay on top of your symptoms, be sure you are doing what you can to relieve those symptoms and reduce your chances of developing a s econdary infection.

If you have symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, headache, cough, sore throat and watery eyes, you most likely have a cold.These common symptoms of the common cold can also be caused by a variety of other illnesses. Just because you have them doesn't necessarily mean you have a cold. It is important to rule out these illnesses before you assume you have a cold.You or your doctor will need to rule out problems like:
Strep Throat
Influenza (the Flu)
Sinus Infection
Ear Infections

runny nose



If you do not have the symptoms of these other illnesses, you most likely have some type of cold or upper respiratory infection. Check out the Cold or Flu Quiz.

Symptoms of the common cold usually develop two to three days after infection, so by the time you start feeling it, you have been probably contagious for a couple of days. Colds are most contagious 2 to 4 days after your symptoms first develop. However, the virus can live in your body and spread to others for up to three weeks. Symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, headaches, fatigue, and sometimes a mild, low-grade fever(fever is not a common cold symptom in adults but it is common in children).

low-grade fever

On day one, you're likely to experience something itchy in the back of your throat, and find yourself reaching for the tissues more often than usual. At this point, it is difficult to determine whether you have cold or flu. Usually, you'll feel more fatigue with flu, but during the first day it can be difficult to tell. With the common cold, you may have cold symptoms such as an itching or sore throat with sneezing, nasal congestion, watery eyes, and mucus drainage. More severe symptoms, such as high fever or muscle aches, may indicate you have a flu rather than a cold. It's important to know the difference between flu and cold symptoms. A cold is a milder respiratory illness than the flu. While cold symptoms can make you feel bad for a few days, flu symptoms can make you feel quite ill for a few days to weeks. The flu can also result in serious health problems such as pneumonia and hospitalizations.
When you have cold, you will most likely have several symptoms that come and go, meaning you won't have all of them at the same time. Symptoms you might experience when you get a cold include:
Sore Throat
Itching Eyes, Face, Nose or Throat
Watery Eyes
Fever ( common in kids than adults)
Fatigue or Feeling Tired

We don't get all of these symptoms every time we get a cold, we only experience some of them. If your symptoms start off bad, get better and then suddenly get worse again, contact your health care provider. This is typically a sign of a secondary infection.
Most of us doesn't go to a doctor when we get a cold. Common colds usually last from 1 to 2 weeks, with our immune system eventually eradicating the infection on its own. Sometimes, however,symptoms will hang on longer or get worse and complications may arise which may require a doctor's help. Perhaps that cold has caused another infection, such as pneumonia or it wasn't a cold at all. Knowing when to call the doctor may be the most important information you can have.

You should need a doctor if you or your child has one or more of these conditions:

Symptoms that last more than 10 days
Symptoms that are severe or unusual
A temperature higher than 100.4° F
If your child is below 3 months old and has a fever, you should call your doctor right away. Your doctor can diagnose if you or your child has a cold and can give prescription to relieve the symptoms.

There is no cure for the common cold, so treatment really consists of relieving symptoms.
While colds certainly aren't the worst of the common illnesses out there, no one wants to get one and when you have one, you just want to feel better.Treating cold symptoms as soon as you suspect an infection may help defeat it faster than normally would. Recent studies indicate that prescribing zinc may be beneficial in shortening the duration of colds. Starting as early as possible seems to increase your chances of experiencing benefits.
Additionally, research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that adults who took zinc either as pill, syrup or lozenge at the onset of their cold, symptoms ended two days sooner than adults who didn't take it.

In addition on taking zinc, get used and try these home remedies:

Suck on cough drops or lozenges medicated with menthol or camphor.
Use a humidifier or vaporizer to clear sinus passages and ease sinus pressure.
Avoid alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as they increase the risk of dehydration
Get plenty of rest.
Try saline nasal sprays if needed to clear the nose and sinuses. Decongestants may also help, particularly those that contain pseudoephedrine.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Drink plenty of fluids.

There is no cure for the common cold. Getting rid of common cold by antibiotics will not help and can only make things worse. Colds are caused by hundreds of different viruses and developing a vaccine or medication to treat or prevent them all just isn't possible at this time. Right now , the best way to control or at least reduce the discomfort feeling is by taking the correct over the counter cold medications based on your symptoms or by natural remedies. It's vital that you follow directions carefully and vigilant when a child has a cold since many products are not suitable for children.Over-the-counter cold medications help relieve the severity of symptoms such as runny nose, coughing and nasal congestion. Pain relievers help reduce muscle aches, sore throats, and headaches.You should also try to get more rest and drink plenty of liquids. This means more liquids than usual! If your symptoms do not improve after 7 to 10 days, see a health care provider because you may have a different illness or could have developed a secondary infection.


Are you tired of being sick all the time? If you wish that you could somehow prevent the colds you keep getting, check out these tips on how to stay healthy. They won't prevent illness 100 percent of the time, but they will help.

Here's How:

1) Frequently washing hands for at least 20 seconds, with warm water and soap.
Like every time you use the restroom, before you eat, after you sneeze or cough and any other time your hands feel dirty.This is the most important step in preventing the spread of disease and staying healthyIf you can't wash your hands with soap and water, using an alcohol-based handrub or a bottle of hand sanitizer for when you can't get to a sink.will also kill germs if your hands are not visibly soiled.

washing hands with water and soap

2) Take a daily multivitamin , if needed . Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes a day. Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
Make sure eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and limit saturated fats.When you are feeling tired or sore, get up and walk around for a few minutes. Or try some stretching exercis. Taking breaks and keeping your body in shape will help you feel better and make you more productive. These boosts one's immune system so it will be less likely to get sick.

3) Drink at least 6 - 8 glasses of water a day .
Drinking plenty of water will keep you well hydrated. Proper hydration is essential to a strong immune system and will help you feel better as well. No alcohol, sodas, or coffee. Alcohol may interact with some over-the-counter cold medications. Sodas and coffee may help you stay awake, but they will also contribute to dehydration and make the problem worse. So you need to be sure to drink water and sports drinks to rehydrate your body and help clear congestion and enable your body to fight the infection. Just keep a water bottle with you all the time and drink throughout the day .

Drink at least 6 - 8 glasses of water a day

4) Avoid people with a cold or the flu, especially when they have a fever. This is when they are most contagious.

5) Quit smoking.
Quitting smoking has been proven to improve your overall health and immunity within just a few weeks. It is pretty common knowledge these days that smoking is bad for your health. Smokers get sick much more frequently than non-smokers. You are also getting less work done if you have to take frequent smoke breaks throughout the day. Smoke breaks do not promote productivity like exercise breaks do. Nicotine is a stimulant and actually increases your body’s stress level. So, now is the time to quit.


Most of us doesn't go to a doctor when we get a cold. But knowing what to do about once at home isn't always easy. This guide will give you some ideas of what may work for you and help you feel better and back to your health.

Get Plenty of Rest. It may seem ridiculous to get extra sleep because of a cold, but it really is important. When you sleep, your body is able to fight infections more effectively, even minor ones like colds. So just going to bed an hour or two earlier will help your body recover more quickly.

extra sleep

Take over the counter cold medication, help clear congestion, rehydrate your body by drinking plenty of water , and enable your body to fight the infection to relieve symptoms.Over the counter cold medications will usually help relieve your symptoms so you can function and feel better, even if it is just for a little while. But remember, they are not killing the virus, just helping you cope with the symptoms.

Using Other Remedies to Relieve Symptoms

Using things such as humidifiers and even chicken soup can go a long way towards making you feel better. Staying in a steamy bathroom for few minutes may help congestion and even calm a cough. Of course none of these remedies are actually curing your cold either, but they can help you feel better, which of course is everyone's main objective when they are sick.

steamy bathroom relaxation


Knowing when you are contagious with a cold it is important to avoid spreading your germs to other people especially those who could develop serious complications from your cold.Colds are spread through the air and on surfaces. When you are sick, coughing, sneezing and even breathing sends the virus into the air around you and to every surface or person you touch. Since you can't stop coughing or breathing when you are sick, the only way to avoid spreading your cold is to try to stay away from as many people as possible.

One should follow these tips to prevent viruses from spreading to other people:

1.Wash your hands often with soap and water and help young children do the same.If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

2.Stay at home while you are sick
3.Move away from people before coughing or sneezing.
4.Avoid close contact with others, such as hugging, kissing, or shaking hands.

5.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.Viruses can enter your body this way and make you sick.

6.Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and objects such as toys and doorknobs.Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.

7.Cough and sneeze into a tissue then throw it away, or cough and sneeze into your upper shirt sleeve, completely covering your mouth and nose.

There is no vaccine to protect you against the common cold.


The Side Effects of Green Tea



     The Side Effects of Green Tea     

Anxiety Upset Stomach & Other Side Effects of Green Tea

Generally speaking, green tea is a very healthy beverage with numerous benefits. However, some people may experience negative side effects from drinking green tea. These may include nausea, an increased risk of osteoporosis and more. Find out about these potential risks and how to reduce them:

Green Tea's Caffeine Side Effects

For those with caffeine sensitivity or high consumption levels of green tea, there may be some caffeine side. In general, green tea has less caffeine than other tea types. However, some types of green tea (such as matcha green tea ) can have more caffeine than your typical black tea or even an espresso . However, excessive consumption of green tea can cause restlessness, heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, irritability, increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure. People with caffeine sensitivity are more susceptible to these side effects.
The good news is that you can easily reduce these side effects by drinking less green tea, drinking a different type of green tea, drinking decaf green tea or brewing your tea less strong. Many people also find that switching from teabags to loose-leaf tea makes a big difference in their caffeine jitters.
Also, it's worth noting that green tea has a natural chemical called theanine, which has a calming effect on the brain and reduces these effects of the caffeine.

Green Tea, Upset Stomach and Nausea

Like other tea types, green tea contains tannins. Tannins are a naturally occurring chemical which stimulates the stomach to secrete more acid. If you have a peptic ulcer or an acid reflux problem, green tea can cause stomach upsets or nausea. If you have diarrhea, tannins can also worsen it.
You can reduce or even eliminate this side effect by consuming green tea after a meal or merely when your stomach isn't completely empty (i.e., first thing in the morning).
It's also worth noting that green tea is much lower in tannins than most tea types, and that it usually causes far fewer stomach problems than coffee .

Green Tea's Effects During Pregnancy

Green tea is commonly consumed during pregnancy in Japan and China, and it is recognized as being generally safe to drink it then. However, some doctors advise against consuming any form of caffeine the early months of pregnancy, because studies have linked excess intake of caffeine to neural birth defects.
To mitigate these potential side effects, you can reduce green tea consumption or select green teas that are lower in caffeine.

Green Tea & Osteoporosis

Some studies show that drinking green tea may increase the amount of calcium that is flushed out of the body with urine. However, it appears that this only occurs in cases where people are consuming more than 400 mg of caffeine (about four to five cups of green tea) per day, and that any side effects can be reduced by taking calcium supplements or eating a diet rich in calcium.

Green Tea & Iron Deficiency

The tannins in green tea (and other tea types) may prevent the blood from absorbing certain nutrients, particularly non-heme iron. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of green tea may reduce absorption by up to 25 percent.
The good news is that you can counteract this side effect in a simple and delicious way (adding a slice of lemon to your tea) or by only consuming green tea thirty minutes before or a couple hours after you eat a meal.

Green Tea & Drug Interactions

Like so many other things, green tea can interfere with certain medications. If you have any questions about combining green tea with your medication, consult a doctor or your drug's maker. When in doubt, you can also time your green tea consumption so that it is a few hours before and after when you take your medicine.  

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Drinking Green Tea Worth the Risk?

Green tea's side effects are very rare, and are usually only experienced in cases where a person who is consuming large amounts of green tea already has a medical condition in play. In general, the health benefits of drinking green tea (especially organic green tea) far outweigh the risks.

What to Do About Green Tea Side Effects

If you are experiencing green tea side effects, talk with a doctor  and consider reducing or eliminating green tea in your diet. Also, see the recommendations for specific side effects listed in each section above.

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Oregano An Organic Medicine For Cough Remedy


  Oregano is a plant originally cultivated in the central Asia and Mediterranean regions. A widely used herb as a part of Latin America,Turkish, Italian, Greek,as well as Philippines cuisine, its characteristic taste blends well with every food item.

Steamer for Inhalation 

  Oregano has spade-shaped, olive-green purple flowers. Member of the mint family, this herb has been largely used in traditional Chinese medicine for its medicinal properties. The herb is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and manganese.  

Oregano plant

    This herb is known for its many health benefits:

Oregano is known for as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments ranging from colds, cough, bronchitis, common flu to asthma. 

Others use oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments.

A powerful remedy, oregano can kill most viruses on contact, including the common cold.

Oregano acts to reduce the severity of the common cold and is said to help eliminate chills, stuffy nose, congestion, cough , ear aches and fevers.

It is classified as a powerful immune system stimulant and is said to improve lymph flow and increase WBC count. These help boost the immune system and help the body build a greater defense versus viruses.

It is popularly known to help people with phlegm and used as a common household remedy for coughs.

Research studies reported that, chemical compound thymol found in oregano plants ( can be used to help loosen phlegm in the lungs.

    Way To Extract The Juices Out

   Given the current round of viruses going on, kids who’ve coughing with the sound of phlegm in their lungs for the past week. Try this:
   First, pick a bunch of oregano leaves. Soak them in drinking water, change water around 3 x, add apple cider vinegar and a little salt to kill bacteria.
  Per child, pick out five leaves. Don’t forget to wash your hands carefully and to rinse the leaves in drinking water. Now, put the leaves in a shallow bowl with 60 ml of hot drinking water for 3 minutes.

Throw out the water after 3 minutes and start squeezing the leaves into a pulp.
Start squeezing the leaves until you get the brownish juices out, each batch of five leaves should give you around 20 ml of water.

For children below 2 years old:
Transfer to a small plastic beaker and use a small syringe up dropper to put the oregano water extract in.
Now, put the syringe in your child’s mouth and have him drink it.

For children above 2 years old:
Put the oregano water extract in teaspoon and have him drink it.

Way To Make A Tea From Oregano Leaves
Ingredients for the Tea
Fresh or dried oregano leaves
2 cups of water
1 tablespoon honey

Step 1
As mentioned above, you can make this tea with fresh or dried leaves. Dried oregano ( is available at any grocery store. On the other hand, if you are making it with fresh leaves, make sure you haven't sprayed any chemicals on them while growing them. If you want to dry oregano at home, hang the oregano bunches out in the sun. Then separate the leaves. While making the tea, cut the fresh leaves, so that they release some oil, which is very beneficial.

Dried oregano leaves

Step 2
Boil the water for 10 minutes in a pot on a stove or in a microwave.

Step 3
Add the leaves to the pot. If you have a large quantity of water, make sure, that you increase the amount of leaves too. Steep it on a slow flame to extract the maximum from the leaves. However, the longer you steep it, the concoction is going to get bitter and bitter. So keep tasting it.

Step 4
Once, the mixture has boiled for over 20 minutes, the leaves will get dark. It is your signal that the tea is ready for a sweetener. Since, you are drinking the tea for its medicinal purpose, avoiding adding sugar or any artificial form of sweetener. The best natural form of sugar is honey. So, add about 1 tablespoon of honey to the concoction.

Step 5
Remove the pot from the stove and strain the tea into a mug. Sip the tea hot to derive maximum benefit from it.

Oreeagano tea
The best way of having this tea is to sip it hot and inhaling the hot vapors. It works wonders if you are drinking it for cough. Keep a tissue close to you, as the vapors will loosen out the congested mucus. It shouldn't be used during pregnancy as its regular use is known to reduce the ability to absorb iron. People who are allergic to herbs from the mint family may suffer from its side effects, such as skin irritation, rashes and vomiting. It is useful in more ways than one, if it's used in the right quantities.
Oregano tea is recommended by several practitioners of traditional medicines to treat common cold, congestion and cough.

Health Benefits of Oregano Tea

Relieving Asthma Attack

Oregano tea can be used for relieving an asthma attack. Sweeten the tea with honey and keep sipping it hot. Inhaling the vapors of oregano also helps in clearing the nasal passages. However, one has to do it at least 4-5 times a day to see the result.


A cup of oregano tea is a great antibacterial dosage for the day. This mountain herb contains oils called thymol and carvacrol, which are known to fight bacteria. In the latest research, scientists have found that the herb can fight infections caused due to amoeba Giardia lamblia better than tinidazol, a commonly prescribed drug. Regular intake of oregano tea also helps in preventing any kind of bacterial infections by inhibiting their growth.

Weight Management

Oregano tea is also known to be a rich source of fiber. A good intake of fiber helps in managing weight, keeping the body fit and reducing the risk of several diseases.


Oregano tea is the natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are considered to be essential fatty acids, as they have number of health benefits. Omega-3 helps in reducing inflammation all over the body. This important acid is also known to lower the risk of heart diseases, arthritis and improve cognitive and behavioral function.

Other Benefits of Oregano Tea

Parasitic problems can be cured by oregano tea intake. This enhances digestion and assists in better absorption of food.

A hot cup of oregano tea is an excellent solution for menstrual spasms, bloating and lower abdominal pain.

As oregano tea is a good source of vitamin C it helps in boosting the immune system.

It also helps in reducing the flatulence and stomach gas.

It acts as a stimulant and helps decrease fever and speeds up recuperation.

Several respiratory problems can be resolved by drinking oregano tea.

A warm concoction of oregano tea, helps in relieving muscle spasms. It also eases joint pains and other problems.

Persons suffering from rheumatism and asthma find relief by sipping some hot tea with honey.

Having a shower with its leaves in warm bath water, helps you unwind.

For those of you find it difficult to sleep, drink a cup of oregano tea to soothe the nerves. This is an incredible home solution for a sleeping disorder.

Additional info:

Oregano oil health benefits include:

Thymol is another compound in oregano oil that has antifungal properties, and it is quite effective against Candida fungal infections, such as:
Oral thrush
Athlete’s foot
Infected toenails and fingernails
Yeast infections

Antioxidants and anticancer:(
Oregano oil is high in compounds that are potent antioxidants, such as carvacrol, thymol, and triterpenes.
These compounds reduce oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals and preventing cellular damage, which may prevent the risk of developing:
Cancers, such as colon, prostate, lung, and breast cancer
Macular degeneration, which causes vision loss
Degeneration of muscles
Nervous system disorders
Premature aging

Treats infections:
Carvacrol in oregano oil has antibacterial properties, which studies note that it is effective against most common infection-causing bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis

Regulates menstruation:
Oregano oil acts as an emmenagogue, a substance that stimulates menstrual flow.
It relieves symptoms associated with menstruation and premenstrual symptoms, such as:
Period cramps
Nausea and vomiting
It can also delay the early onset of menopause and relieve symptoms of menopause, such as:
Mood swings
Hormonal imbalance


All content provided on this blog"", including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes blog only. Blog's owner makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. In connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others, always seek the direct advice of your own doctor or a medical professional.

Labels: Health, TIPS & WAYS

posted by sixtwocinco @ June 20, 2015

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